Anime Music Quiz just for Otaku, Install this Anime Music game and you will have access to plenty of levels, continually updated.Play Anime Music Quiz game to improve your knowledge of Manga and Japanese culture! and to prove that you deserve to be called a true Otaku★ BASIC INFO ★
.What is Anime and manga
.Anime: Animation, Cartoon & Animated Movies are called Anime in japanese. Dubbed anime TV shows are most favorite in USA.
Manga: Japanese Comics are called Manga. re:zero naruto anime manga are most popular around the world.
. Install anime trivia music quiz .. Start anime Music game.. Solve level by listen to Anime Music, Select the letters sequentially to Spell Correctly.. Start this manga competition, get scores and collect Hints to help you accomplish difficult challenges.. For each one you complete, you will get Coins as Bonus, use them to :- Show a clue of sentence of the answer. - Show one letter. . Hide all the wrong letters.. Some heroes names are hard to spell, Ask your friends with Facebook or Twitter which ninja. Shinigami or fighting hero you are guessing.
★ Features ★
.. Anime music challenge for everyone.. Many of Levels to unlock. Settings page where you can change the options. Awesome graphics. Awesome anime music . best anime trivia game . top music anime
.All music and brands shown or represented in this application are copyrights and/or trademarks oftheir respective owners. This App is designed for entertainment and educational purposes. So what are you waiting for? Download and enjoy this game while it’s free.